As of November 2013 I started up my life coaching practice yet again, only this time I will be servicing the Salt Lake Metro Region. In an effort to re-brand myself I will be moving this website to my new website, The articles that are available for you to read on this website will slowly be taken down and moved (as well as expanded) to my new website.



What is Dating Zion?
Dating Zion is my website full of interesting tips and advice on dating and relationships. Every first and third Sunday I post a new article related to dating, relationships and even self-help. On the fifth Sunday, which happens every few months, I like to write a unique article with either questions and answers, or an interesting true story.

Who should read Dating Zion?
Dating Zion is written specifically for you IF you are young and single or just venturing into a relationship and you're between 18-27. This is an important stage of your life where you will need to learn how to interact with people of the opposite sex and gain your own independence. There are a lot of people out there who provide meaningful information about getting on your career path and staying on the right path spiritually, but hardly any who provide dating advice specifically geared for you. I designed it for people of the LDS faith but, as with all good advice, the same principles taught here apply to people of any faith.

Is there anything specific that you find most people struggle with?
Yes. If I were to pin one piece of advice for everyone in the dating and relationships world, I would say that they should remember that no one is perfect. And this applies in two ways: there are a lot of people out there who think they know everything there is to know about dating or relationships that it comes to them as a surprise when their relationships aren't working out. And they usually blame the other person and justify their own behavior as "the correct" behavior. I think people need to realize that there is always room to improve--even when you are married or with your kids, there are always things you can do to improve your relationship--you don't ever do it right the first time, there ARE things to be learned.
And I think this also applies to when you look at other people who you try to form relationships with: they won't always do things right, at first things will be rough in your relationship when you try to build one with someone, but if you can look past that and recognize the good in people, you'll realize that all of those things CAN be worked out in the end, so cut them some slack.

What qualifies You to teach these things?
I'll admit: I am kinda young (22) and on the surface I appear like I have no credibility as a "dating expert". But the truth is, I only write things on here that I have come to know are true through my experiences. I have an interesting life story that makes me unique from other young men my age, and if I didn't experience life the way that I did, I probably wouldn't know as much as I know about dating and relationships. But that's not good enough: If you want to test my qualifications, you simply have to try out the things I say. If they don't work for you, then they probably won't work for anyone else. But if they work for you, then is that sufficient proof that I am qualified to teach these things about dating and relationships?

So what is your story?
It's kinda long, but I wrote it up and posted here

Where has Dating Zion been spotlighted?
Articles, interviews, and personal responses have been included in the Christian Blog Carnival and the Utah State University Statesman.The list is growing, contact me if you would like to feature a specific article in your column or you would like an interview with me.

How can I contact you?
My name is Kyle Oakeson, and you can get ahold of me via email, texting, or calling.
Telephone: 435-625-1645
Or you can comment on the articles you read...I LOVE comments,even though I don't get very many of them.